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Understanding the NDIS

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annecto has received much interest from people transitioning to support under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

At an information session held recently at annecto Yarraville’s Learning Hub, David House, over 40 parents and their children with disability, had the opportunity to ask questions about the NDIS, and how it affects them.“There is a lot of information out there about the NDIS, but sometimes people feel overwhelmed, and these information sessions gives them a chance to ask their questions,” explains Michele Semmens, annecto’s NDIS Implementation Project Officer.

“Typically those who attend these sessions come away feeling a lot more comfortable with what they have to do to prepare for, prior to meeting with an NDIS Planner, and the time frames they’re working within,” says Michele.

The top four questions that are consistently been asked at the annecto information sessions include:

If the NDIS is an insurance scheme? Do I have to pay premiums?

No, the NDIS is referred to as a social insurance scheme which means that more people with disabilities will be assisted to live an ordinary life.  As someone who is accessing the NDIS, you don’t have to pay any premiums.

Will my NDIS plan affect my disability support pension?

No, your disability support pension remains as it is. Your NDIS plan is separate to disability support pension.

When is the NDIS coming to my area?

You can find out when your area is receiving the NDIS by visiting www.ndis.gov.au.The NDIS is being rolled out across Australia between July 2016 and December 2019.

Will I be contacted by someone or will I have to contact NDIS myself?

If you currently receive state government funding of any kind, the NDIS will contact you when the NDIS is being rolled out in your area.

If you currently receive support with annecto, we can organise a pre-planning session with you, and help you collate what you need to have ready, to maximise your supports for when you meet with an NDIS Planner or Local Area Coordinator, to go through your plan.

Call annecto on 1800 266 328 or email enquiries@annecto.org.au to book your pre-planning session.

You can also contact NDIS directly by calling 1800 800 110.

Will the NDIS affect my current level of funding say from DHHS?

DHHS funding such as Individual Support and Planning (ISP) will cease when the participant receives an approved plan from NDIS.

The NDIS is replacing current ISPs and all other government funded programs other than the disability support pension.

For any further information about transitioning to the NDIS, call annecto on 1800 266 328 and speak to an NDIS specialist.

Read some tips on how to prepare for your NDIS Planning meeting.

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