Provide Feedback - Annecto

Provide feedback

Your story matters

We value your feedback

We welcome your feedback for Annecto. Whether you want to share a positive experience or a problem you would like addressed, we will take your feedback seriously and respond to you.

You can provide feedback by speaking to your contact person at Annecto, calling us on 1800 266 328, emailing us at or using the form below.

You can contact these organisations for further assistance or support in making a complaint:
NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission

Independent body that works to improve quality and safety of NDIS services and support. Complaints can be made to the NDIS Commission.

1800 035

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

The role of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is to protect and enhance the safety, health, well-being and quality of life of people receiving aged care.

1800 550 552 |

Victorian Disability Services Commissioner

If you receive disability funding from the Victorian Government (for example, from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing) the Disability Services Commissioner can support you in making a complaint.

1800 677

Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

If you receive disability funding from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), they can support you in making a complaint about them, or services you receive from an organisation.

1300 475 170 |

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner 

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner is an independent government agency that can support you with complaints regarding data security and privacy.

1300 363 992 |

Aged Care Advocacy

Older Persons Advocacy Network

The Older Person Advocacy Network provides support and advocacy to people receiving aged care services.

1800 700 600 |

Disability Advocacy

Department of Social Services’ Disability Advocacy Finder

The Disability Advocacy Finder is a tool made available by the Department of Social Services (DSS) for the purposes of listing the contact details and locations of disability advocacy agencies.

Office of the Public Advocate (Victoria)

The Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) is a human rights organisation which promotes the diversity and inclusion of all people.

1300 309

Phone: 1300 309 337

People with Disability Australia

People with Disability Australia is a national disability rights, advocacy and representative organisation that is made up of, led and governed by people with disability.

1800 422 015 |