Aged care support
We offer individualised aged care support services that help you address your needs and achieve your goals so that you can live the life you want.
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Personal care
Services to support you in your day-to-day life, including showering, shaving and dressing.: Personal care
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Nursing and allied health services
Connect with professionals to help you look after your mental and physical health.: Nursing and allied health services
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Tech Solutions for Aged Care Support
Support with technology so you can stay connected to what’s important to you.: Tech Solutions for Aged Care Support
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Support with everyday living
Support around the house, including cleaning and gardening.: Support with everyday living
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Connect with health services, housing, social and community support.: Outreach
Home Care Packages
What is a Home Care Package?
The Home Care Packages (HCP) program is funded by the Australian Federal Government. It provides support services to older people so they can live independently in their own homes.
There are four levels of Home Care Packages with services that range from assistance with minor home and garden maintenance and supporting you to prepare meals right through to mobility aids and high-level nursing assistance.
Level 1 to 4, what does it mean?
Everyone’s needs are different, so there are four levels of HCP. Your level will depend on the support you require and how often you need it. The levels range from basic support needs to high support needs.
Your level and funding will be determined by the Aged Care Assessment Service and My Aged Care.
Level 1
Basic support needs
A little extra support to support you around the house or to go out and about in the community.
Level 2
Low support needs
Assistance with day-to-day tasks multiple times a week, in your home or in the community.
Level 3
Intermediate support needs
Beyond a little help in the home, you’ll be able to access support from trained medical professionals.
Level 4
High support needs
Support with your high level and complex support needs, which includes assistance with home, medical or nursing support, as well as prescribed aids and equipment.
How to apply?
Step 1
Apply for your My Aged Care assessment
Annecto will support you through every step of the way. We will work alongside you to apply for a My Aged Care assessment.
Step 2
Receive your approval
My Aged Care will inform you when your HCP funding is approved.
Step 3
Get the support you need
We will meet with you and develop your personalised support plan so you can continue to live the life you want!
Get support with your My Aged Care assessment
We will support you through every step of the way. Contact us today and chat with one of our expert staff members.